The Zensho Group‘s Declaration

To eradicate hunger and poverty from the world, the Zensho Group plans and designs all processes related to production and delivery of food and develops a global organization which operates throughout the world to implement them.

The Zensho Group will advance its business, seeking to overcome conflicts arising from differences in race, religion, and ethnicity and integrating diverse values in a holistic and innovative manner.

All the members of the Zensho Group will demonstrate a strong sense of ethics and apply their unique talents, which is an inheritance of a history of human endeavor, for the benefit of human society through the business activities.

We will realize a society in which all people are truly equal and which is capable of developing in a sustainable and harmonious way.

Zensho Group’s Approach to Sustainability

Zensho has set forth our corporate vision to “eradicate hunger and poverty from the world” as a longstanding commitment since our foundation in 1982, and to these ends, we have adopted the provision of safe and delicious food at affordable prices to people throughout the world as our mission. At the beginning of the “Zensho Group Charter,” a guideline which serves as the code of conduct for members of the Zensho Group, we have set forth our commitment to “realize a society in which all people are truly equal and which is capable of developing in a sustainable and harmonious way” through business activities as “The Zensho Group’s Declaration.” Zensho will further evolve our corporate vision and commit ourselves to “Through food, we take responsibility for the stability and development of human society.”

In embodying this vision, Zensho develops our own mass merchandising system (MMD) around the world which we plan, design and operate to integrate all processes from procurement of raw ingredients to manufacturing, processing, logistics and sales at stores, and we are working to create a system that can provide a stable supply of food to all people as a part of the food infrastructure.

Also, in addition to developing businesses as a part of the food infrastructure, the Zensho Group has been practicing adopted our own fair trade programs which is based on direct partnerships with producers since 2007. Currently, we purchase coffee, tea, and other products from traders in 20 different countries in regions such as Asia and Africa, and use the social development funds generated from fair trade to engage in activities to support social development by building schools, constructing waterworks and facilities, and offering support for female producers. Through these activities, we strive to right the developmental imbalances brought about by the deficiencies of capitalism and contribute to the realization of a sustainable world.

Zensho also takes action to assume responsibility for the impact that our business activities make on the global environment. On top of the issues that are closely associated with our business domains such as the conservation of natural resources and use of leftover food, we are also working to ensure the sustainability of our business domains as well as the global environment itself, through initiatives such as utilization of clean energy.

Furthermore, in accordance with the concept that human resources are “human assets,” that is, capital that generates added value, the Zensho Group is committed to developing human resources and creating a workplace environment that facilitates active participation of diverse human resources. In addition, as a global corporation based in Japan, we established the “Japan Cultural Training Center” in Kyoto City in July 2021 from the perspective that in order to realize a society where many cultures are able to coexist, we must first focus on deepening understanding of our own culture. Moving forward, we will continue to promote initiatives to push multicultural coexistence even further.

Sustainability Promotion System

Zensho is endeavoring to realize “all people are truly equal and which is capable of developing in a sustainable and harmonious way” a longstanding commitment since our foundation.
The Board of Directors makes decisions on important matters faced by the Zensho Group, such as our policy on sustainability and the identification of “Materiality,” and reflects these decisions in management after evaluating operational risks and opportunities in the medium to long term and recognizing the potential impact on business.
In March 2023, we established a Sustainability Committee to further strengthen our sustainability management. The Sustainability Committee responds to sustainability-related issues focused on “Materiality” decided by the Board of Directors and confirms the progress of these initiatives, periodically reporting the state of its activities to the Board of Directors.
In addition, the Global Environment section, which operates under the direct control of the officer in charge of sustainability, serves as the Sustainability Committee’s secretariat office and works together with relevant departments and Group companies to collect information on sustainability-related issues faced by the Group.

Sustainability Promotion System